
Stvorennya saytiv – same z tsiyeyi posluhy pochynayetʹsya protses rozvytku vashoho biznesu v Interneti. Sʹohodni vazhko uyavyty, shcho uspishnyy biznes mozhlyvyy bez svoho saytu. Same tomu nasha kompaniya vykorystovuye deviz, shcho vidobrazhaye realiyi: Zalezhno vid Vashykh vymoh ta mozhlyvostey, my proponuyemo taki typy veb-saytiv: Landing Page – tse odnostorinkovyy sayt, yakyy idealʹno pidkhodytʹ, shchob donesty chitko poznachenu dumku do audytoriyi. Na vidminu vid povnotsinnoho saytu, de bahato inshykh rozdiliv (pro kompaniyi, produktovi storinky, kontakty, koshyk i t. d.), lendynh utrymuye uvahu vidviduvachiv suvoro na odnomu povidomlenni i povynen vyklykaty bazhannya vykonaty pevnu tsilʹovu diyu. Yak pravylo, lendynh vykorystovuyetʹsya dlya zbyrannya kontaktnykh danykh potentsiynykh kliyentiv (vony zh – “lidy”), reyestratsiyi, perekhodu na storinku tovariv abo na holovnyy sayt. Sayt-vizytka — tse nevelykyy sayt, yakyy zazvychay skladayetʹsya z odniyeyi (abo dekilʹkokh) storinok i mistytʹ osnovnu informatsiyu pro orhanizatsiyu, pryvatnu osobu, kompaniyu, tovary abo posluhy, preyskuranty, kontaktni dani. Meta stvorennya saytu-vizytky – tse nadannya pevnoyi informatsiyi dlya tsilʹovoyi audytoriyi. Na sayti-vizyttsi zavzhdy ye vsya neobkhidna informatsiya: kontakty, korotkyy spysok tovariv ta posluh – vse tse mozhe buty prysutnim na sayti. U sayti-vizyttsi holovne – yoho konkretyka. Koly lyudyna potraplyaye na podibnyy resurs, vona maye vidrazu zrozumity, yaki posluhy nadaye kompaniya, shcho prodaye chym zaymayetʹsya. Internet-mahazyn – tse sayt, yakyy torhuye tovaramy. U tsʹomu prodazh tovariv zdiysnyuyetʹsya dystantsiynym sposobom. Internet-mahazyn ne vymahaye velykykh kapitalovkladenʹ, pry tsʹomu prybutok mozhe prynosyty duzhe velykyy. Korporatyvnyy sayt – tse sayt kompaniyi, yiyi ofitsiyne virtualʹne predstavnytstvo v interneti. Korporatyvnyy sayt mistytʹ povnyy obsyah informatsiyi pro samu kompaniyu, pro sferu yiyi diyalʹnosti, proponovanu produktsiyu ta posluhy. Chasto na korporatyvnomu sayti rozmishchuyutʹ kataloh produktsiyi ta dodatkovi servisy – forum, opytuvannya, rozsylky toshcho. Korporatyvnyy sayt dozvolyaye vydavaty onlayn rozrakhunky vartosti, provodyty prodazh produktsiyi, provodyty marketynhovi doslidzhennya ta reklamni aktsiyi, rozsylaty vidviduvacham novyny, zbyraty vidhuky kliyentiv, vlashtovuvaty holosuvannya ta bahato inshoho. U suchasnomu sviti nayavnistʹ korporatyvnoho saytu ye nevid’yemnoyu dlya budʹ-yakoyi seryoznoyi kompaniyi. Adzhe sayt takoho typu – duzhe efektyvnyy zasib dlya nadannya v interneti informatsiyi pro orhanizatsiyu.
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Creation of sites – this service is where the process of developing your business on the Internet begins. Today, it is hard to imagine that a successful business is possible without a website. That is why our company uses a motto that reflects reality: “No website – no business!”.

Depending on your requirements and capabilities, we offer the following types of websites:

A Landing Page is a one-page site that is perfect for getting a well-marked point across to your audience. Unlike a full-fledged site, where there are many other sections (about companies, product pages, contacts, shopping cart, etc.), a landing page keeps visitors’ attention strictly on one message and should cause a desire to perform a certain targeted action. As a rule, the landing page is used to collect contact data of potential customers (they are “leads”), register, go to the product page or the main site.

Business card site is a small site that usually consists of one (or several) pages and contains basic information about an organization, a private person, a company, goods or services, price lists, contact information.
The purpose of creating a business card site is to provide certain information for the target audience. The business card site always has all the necessary information: contacts, a short list of goods and services – all this can be present on the site. The most important thing in a business card website is its specifics. When a person gets to such a resource, he should immediately understand what services are provided by the company that sells what it does.

Online store is a site that sells goods. In this case, the sale of goods is carried out remotely.
An online store does not require large capital investments, while the profit can be very large.

Corporate site is the company’s website, its official virtual representation on the Internet. The corporate site contains a full volume of information about the company itself, about its field of activity, offered products and services. Often, a product catalog and additional services are placed on the corporate website – a forum, polls, newsletters, etc.
A corporate site allows you to issue online cost calculations, sell products, conduct marketing research and promotions, send news to visitors, collect customer reviews, arrange voting and much more.
In today’s world, the presence of a corporate website is indispensable for any serious company. After all, a site of this type is a very effective tool for providing information about the organization on the Internet.